Operation Kerchunk
Bringing wholesome conversation and forging friendships on a 2 meter VHF repeater in Western New York!
We are currently in active if you wish to help revive operation kerchunk by helping run the net please contact me devinmoyer32@gmail.com
Our Mission
Operation Kerchunk was deployed on January 13, 2021. Founded by Devin KC2RTE and Tim N2LCJ in the Western New York area. Our goal was to create something to get new amateur radio operators active and inactive hams reactive. We found the main issue with people getting on the air is the lack of good conversation. We decided we wanted to use 2 meter exclusively as every ham starts there. What we came up with was a round table discussion group that rotates repeaters around WNY. Since repeaters seem to lack activity we thought this would be a win win and even adopted the slogan “Make Western New York Repeaters Great Again”. We started with only a hand full of participants and have grown every week sometimes seeing closer to 20 stations. The cool thing is that even thought there is a core group we often have different line up of stations week to week. We are already seeing friendship forge and grow, welcoming new hams and hearing inactive hams excited to engage. -Devin KC2RTE
Currently used Repeaters
146.910- W2EUP pl 100.0, Boston NY, Special thanks to BARA.
- 147.090+ WB2ELW pl 107.2, Colden NY, Special thanks to STARS.
- 147.390+ W2DXA pl 88.5, Buffalo NY, Special thanks to WNY DXA.
- 147.000+ K2LED pl 107.2, Kenmore NY, Special thanks to BOB K2LED
- 147.255+ W2SO pl 107.2, Lancaster NY, Special thanks to LARC

We are always open to trying new repeaters and only use repeaters we have permission to use. If you are a repeater owner and would like to host us or know of a repeater that would like to have us aboard please contact Devin KC2RTE – kc2rte@arrl.net
I also want to thank Matt KD2UOE for creating and managing our facebook page, and Matt K2EAG for backing us up on the air at times and helping things run smoothly.